Design smarter audio equipment

The world’s fastest wave-based sound simulation technology — More than 100x faster than the current state of the art

Enhance the quality of your audio products through rapid and precise virtual prototyping simulations.

We assist audio equipment companies in creating smarter devices that adapt to environmental conditions, reducing background noise and echoes, and improving speech recognition and videoconferencing quality.

Why virtual prototyping works

The benefits of virtual prototyping have been widely established. Treble’s platform facilitates seamless virtual prototyping, allowing audio companies to identify design flaws early and significantly optimize their equipment capabilities. Moreover, thanks to Treble's efficient simulation technology, the platform can be used for large scale problems, such as simulating audio devices in hundreds of thousands of different scenarios, which enables devices to adjust to all possible scenarios and greatly improves performance.

Treble's innovative technology provides a unique solution for generating high-fidelity acoustic simulation training data

Utilize acoustic simulation data to design superior audio equipment, enabling engineers to accurately model and predict sound wave behavior across various environments. This reduces the need for expensive and time-consuming physical prototyping and testing, leading to more efficient and effective product development.

Contact us to find out more!